Thursday, August 1, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim is such a b*st*rd, he leaves work for the rest of the week and left me with his leaky garbage bag that was spewing out slurpee and chew all over me this morning. I know he sabotaged me on purpose:)

We need to keep giving Serge jobs because he brought us in some pretty dang good doughnuts today.

Toni mentioned that Nikki's picking up some girls tonight and that's why she drove herself to work. Roger started telling Toni how this could be a good thing for him, perve.

Roger sure seems to know how to step in crap and smear it all over the place.

Toni did a performance of NKOTB for us today with a little singing of Step by Step. 

Hmm, I heard that Mary and some Beaulieu rep hooked up in Vegas.....Wasn't Bill supposed to be watching her?

"I think I'm so funny." Toni

Toni's going to go home and celebrate Harry Potter's birthday. He told us that he's going to go home dress up in his robes and play with his wand....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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