Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Bill found a video that he thought looked like Toni after a win.

Toni has good news, he was able to get out of his lease early. His landlords probably wanted him to leave and just didn't want any altercations. I'm sure they've had multiple complaints about him going around the neighborhood trying to be all sorts of Superhero's.

It sounds like Vance had quite the night last night and it was all job related so that's never fun.

Roger implied to me today that I was still invited to his Birthday, I wonder how long this is going to last.

Mary's been out of control lately, it's a good thing she's going on vacation next week.

An indictment is not a conviction according to Mr. U'nnells and his messed up family.

Tim's going to be jealous, I finished a big stack of Rick's job costing today.

I can't wait to find out what new foul words Tim heard from his customer when he went over their revised billing today. 

I hate to give attention to Miley Cyrus but I thought some of these were funny. There was a list of 22 things she looked like at the VMA Awards and of course the Jim Carey picture that I had yesterday was on there.
The Mayor of Whoville

The Scary Toy from Toy Story

Jar Jar Binks

*not to be construed as Gossip

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