Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Rick says he has to eat in order to keep his physique looking so manly.

Rick has a client that he doesn't want to share with anyone. He keeps telling us how awful this lady is but we all know he's lying because he keeps doing all of her little tasks.

Toni was being queer with Rick this morning so Rick flipped him off.

"If it was anyone elses job other than Tim's I would have bailed out on those F*ckers a long time ago." Roger showing his true colors

Rick is becoming such a perv; he was talking about wanting to chase Jessica around some job site.

Ryan has a customer whose last name is Anlicker. This guy really should take his wife's last name.

Bill' s not ashamed that he knows what Auto Erotic Asphyxiation is. 

"It's probably that male stripper that I ordered." Toni

Roger wants to know how many days he has to leave his car in our parking lot before a tweeker will steal it.

Tim told me this morning that he thinks Mary's going to fire him. 

Mary's getting weird, she's now taking pictures of toilets.

Toni informed Bill that his friend may be Bill's son.

Bill's starting to sound like Toni, he told me today that he was going to call his main man because he loves hearing from him.

This is Tim begging for a favor today. "Dearest, kindest, most amazing person ever, April." Where as Ryan knows he has to call me this everyday. 

"Nikki didn't like my chicken last night." Toni giving way too much information


*not to be construed as Gossip

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