Friday, August 9, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger wants to tell his customer that she's on crack.

Rick thinks he got food poisoning at the Italian restaurant with Roger. Maybe Toni was onto something yesterday when he mentioned that Roger was poisoning people.

"I'm not kidding #$##, you take me seriously when I'm taking to you."  Roger to Mary

"I'll be working for your stupid son in law."  Roger to Mary

I'm afraid that if Toni had a yacht this is what it would look like.
Bill has crabs! Roxanne also claims that was a boat he made but it sure looks like something else to me...

Roger told me that I could visit the man cave any time now. He says the no girl rule has changed. I think he was just in a good mood this afternoon.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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