Friday, August 16, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger picked a heck of a weekend to go out of town, he's going to miss hemp fest and the Seattle Police are giving away free bags of Doritos this weekend with the Marijuana law on the back of the bag.

I freaking had to drive myself to work this morning. Ryan claims he had to be to work by 5am.

Ryan and I were at Southcenter last night and a mob of young girls started screaming and carrying on and I was pretty sure it was all for my husband, it was crazy. He thought it sounded like girls screaming for The Beatles. Turns out it was some singer (the middle one) from Fifth Harmony who walked by us, who had just performed in front of the Disney store.

Toni's been calling several women and men today and calling them Hot Mama's. He's obviously trying to line up several dates for this weekend.

Roger claims he stopped following music when Elvis died.

Toni told Jessica "I won a math debate."

Toni's says he's a certified bad a$$.

Toni saw the movie "The Blob" at a restaurant (of all places) earlier this week and thinks that Steve McQueen probably still looks good even though he's dead.

I was a little concerned that Toni may have been sleeping with Tim's wife. He got off the phone today and said that Donna was a b*tch. Luckily for Tim's sake it's not his wife that Toni was referring to, it's some other Donna that Toni's sleeping with. It's possible that he said Don and I misunderstood him.

I heard it direct out of Steve's mouth that he's willing to work 100 hours a week. 

Toni called Hardwood Jeff a rock star today. I think he also has a date with him this weekend.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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