Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger was sure thankful that we dumped the temp. He said he sneezed once in front of her and instead of saying Bless You she asked if it was a cold or allergies. He thought he was allowed to sneeze once without it being anything.

Toni informed us today that Tim can't change anymore in the back because Jessica's here.

Tim and Mary think I'm pregnant because they claim that I have a certain glow about me. Wait till after this weekend when I get to go to the zoo and then Mexican food afterwards, they'll think I'm pregnant with triplets.

According to The Onion, the headline for this story was "Obama not sure how to tell Nation this, but he ran over Jimmy Carter with car last night." 

Toni said today would be a good day to start crack.

Roger and Rick left together today in the Shagtastic mobile and the strange thing is that Rick even left his dog here. What were they doing that the dog couldn't watch?

"I'm not going to make you sleep with my mom." Mary to Randy

How many times can somebody named Garret change their phone number in one year?

I think Toni knocked off somebody, he won't tell me who though. It's probably the job that Roger asked him to do.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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