Monday, August 19, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I had a dream that Tim came back early from his vacation with a new boat.

Rick must of had some Anniversary party this weekend, both he and warehouse Bill (aka Fire Marshall Bill) are sick.

"I don't want to be fair." Bill

From now on Bill wants to avoid paying the guys per diem and instead buy them Costco size containers of Lunchables to take on their out of town trips. 

Matt is thinking about get rid of his pedophile mobile and getting something actually nice. Bill and I have already questioned him on that. To be fair when I looked up pedophile mobile on the internet (yes I may be arrested for that) the first picture showed a van that looked like the one that Roger's driving. All Roger needs is some ice cream stickers and balloons and he's set.

Toni got scared because there was a baby in our showroom today.

In world breaking news Lindsay Lohan "feels whole again." I'm assuming that her interview with Oprah was just about how she reapplied her fingernail.

On Saturday night Ryan and I sat down to view an episode of "Mad Men" and realized we were out of episodes and Season 6 doesn't come out until November, I think the world has come to the end again.

Nikki compared her family to the Bluth's of all people and she thinks she's Buster while of course Mary is the drunk mom. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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