Friday, January 30, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"F*ck Toni." Steve

"I hate knowing everything." Steve

"I'm pretty much a genius." Steve to Matt   "You're a flooring installer." Matt to Steve

"I have a beautiful mind." Steve   "No, you have a beautiful wife." Me

"I'm a confused young man." Roger

Ryan and I only have half an episode left on season five of "Downton Abbey". Life is so unfair.

"I'm more afraid of her." Bill to Tim about a mystery woman

"Roxanne ruined you." Steve to Bill

Roger says he's too nervous to watch the game on Sunday so he's going to watch a "Gilmore Girls" marathon instead.

Toni informed me that Cody will be filing an L&I claim today because Tim shot him in the dick with a nerf gun. 

Roger told me that he gets his real news from "The Daily Show" and his work news from "The Daily Chatter." 

Go Hawks! Look for my sister at the Superbowl, more than likely she'll be the one that the crowd throws up in the air and catches whenever a goal is scored. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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