Tuesday, January 6, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Marty was trying to act like a gentleman this morning and introduced me to one of their new employees. It was all weird, he was showing off but of course he wouldn't shut up.

Zsa Zsa Gabor's daughter (the one made from Conrad Hilton) died and the crazy thing is Zsa Zsa is still alive at 97.

"What the F*@$ did I do to you." Typhinee to Mary

I inspired Bill to want to try bitter almonds. He may think that Roxanne is trying to poison him with cyanide...

"I'm going to wheel and deal this thing." Toni's turning into a used car sales person

"Your mom would beat the sh*t out of them." Mary trying to scare Toni

Speaking of scaring, Mary also tried to make her daughter sound like a villain today with Toni. I think the family welcome has warn off since Toni hasn't proposed yet.

Roxanne, I'm just going to warn you, if Bill goes into the closet and picks out his "sexy clothes" it's because he's a moron and also because Mary told him about all of the hot women he's going to see at lunch tomorrow. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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