Monday, January 5, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"Hey, do you have a problem...." Roger to Bill  (I'm really disappointed that I didn't hear what he thought his problem was.)

"Downton Abbey" season five started last night and it's getting scandalous.  Almost as scandalous as Roger's life.

Mary's son Ryan is moving into an even larger home in Tennessee. I told Mary I was jealous of the house he already lives in. I need to go out and find a rich family to adopt me.

Apparently Kayne and Paul McCartney did a song together....

 Mary is now telling her clients that she needs to sit in all of their bathrooms.

Toni's dad dropped off a very gay hat for Toni today.

The guys are on Tim's job this week and they got supplied with their own cottages. Bill mentioned that Steve is never ever going to want to work on one of his out of town jobs again staying at a Motel 6 with only one bed for four guys.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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