Thursday, January 8, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"That's my kind of party, me and two chicks." Roger

According to Roger one bless you should last three hours but for me he said it expires after an hour and a half.

Bill said he regrets putting all of that pepper in Roger's keyboard. Roger sneezed more than I did today.

This very short video is going to freak Toni out. He may never go near the water again.'

Cody thinks the guys don't like him because they "forget" to invite him for lunch.

We were just recalling today the good old days when Bill broke the hood in the kitchen at Newcastle and I'm pretty sure Matt broke the stove top.

Mary and I thought Bill was getting cold feet today but then he tried telling us that he's not Chandler. I personally think that he'll be hiding in a closet on his wedding day and smoking just like Chandler.

I think Roger was taking credit for this but I'm sure it was Dot's discovery. On Amazon you can drag "wish list" to your computers Bookmarks and then when you find something on another website, you add it your Amazon wishlist.

Toni and I think that nudists are lazy people who can't manage to put on clothes.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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