Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I'm sorry but Ross doesn't look like Diana Ross or Ross Perot. He's going to have to stick to being the Jewish Ross Geller and he can be the holiday armadillo at Christmas.

"There's something sexy about me with a feather duster." Toni

"The East Wing is revolting against the West Wing." Tim

Roger says that he doesn't argue with Dot. He says she's always right, he sounds like a defeated man just like my husband.

Bill says that Serge screwed him in the tea department. That poor guy just can't do anything right.

Dot told Ross that she wants Steve on a certain job. Apparently she is now in charge of scheduling, Typhinee must be thrilled. 

Ross you really need to go and kick Billy Bob Thorton's butt he came out and said his life long goal was to bed Aniston. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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