Monday, January 12, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"Are you sticking to this Ross thing?" "Yes" me "Then you and I are over." Ross
To me that sounds like we are on a break....

"I'm not f*^&ing Ross, I wouldn't have dumped Jennifer Aniston." Ross

I think I just found a picture of new Ross and Jennifer Anison's love child because that's definitely not Emma. 

There are so many similarities between Ross and the new Ross. The main one is that their first wives were/are lesbians and that they had one child from that marriage. The other similarity is Elliott Gould...need I say more.

It sounds like Toni got raped by Steve and the cashier at Starbucks today.

Roxanne found the Skittle in the M&M's that Mary hid. Does she win a prize? Mary said she really wanted Steve to find it (strange because it was green).

Serge finally brought in the crap that he's been threatening us with.

Ross is going to be sad, Taylor Negron who appeared in "Friends" as the owner of Alessandro's restaurant died.

Toni said that we we're really rude today. Needless to say he was part of the trash talk about Russian cows (actual cows of all things). 

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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