Friday, January 2, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Cody told me that he was going to marry his cousin on Wednesday night. I didn't know that was legal here but it is legal in California. 

Typhinee said that Roger's sick, is she just now discovering that?

Typhinee was also cleaning out Roger's desk today and  Roger was pretty sure he had been fired.

Toni made a new friend yesterday. The guy asked one of Toni's buddies how he expressed himself, then he belted out some Adele in the back of Toni's car while Toni drove him home and apparently he had a horrible voice. 

"I just won't make out with him or do something gross." Toni about not wanting to get sick from Tim

Cody broke a deck today, time to lay off the Top Pot donuts I would say. From the sounds of it, I would have broke this deck too.

Mary thinks Bill should be more like her.

Toni told Randy that he needed to talk to him so of course Mary showed up too to plan the wedding. Toni got wind of her coming to the office and he took off. She really is the mom from "The Goldbergs".

I can't remember what Ryan said yesterday that was inappropriate but I had to call him Roger. Roger is a very bad influence but he did give me a great recommendation for a movie "Walter Mitty".

*not to be construed as Gossip

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