Tuesday, January 20, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Toni is Val's Cheeky Pooky. Does that mean they cuddle like this?
Typhinee finally made it to the car wash....We were all beginning to wonder about her. 

Cody claims Bill can't go back to Amante's because he had a fling with the girl their. No wonder why he doesn't want to invite this chick to the wedding, awkward, but I sure the heck will.

Cody did the unthinkable, he showed Jess "The Daily Chatter" last night. His life is about to go to sh%$. Just ask Roger and Bill, their significant others have the blog link. Then there's my husband who just tells me that I'm mean to Roger because he gets "The Chatter".

Tim's large truck is mad at him for some reason. Probably because he didn't show up to work today, I'm mad at him too. 

Our guys are just the sweetest, they come in the office and address each other with "What's up Dickhead?"

*not to be construed as Gossip

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