The Daily Chatter*
I asked Toni is he wanted a little extra glitter today and he told me his thong already was glittery enough.
Speaking of Glitter, you can now send your enemies anonymously very messy glitter. Mr. U'nnells' birthday is coming up I should try it.
Ryan told me this morning that I was mean for calling Roger Ross. So because of my husband guilting me into thinking that I'm a mean person I will stop calling someone Ross after this week (it still has be somewhat on my terms or Ryan will think he got his way).
Ross saw a marriage license on Toni's desk yesterday (no not Toni's marriage license) (the marriage he performed for his friend) and he thought it said something about sodomizing marriages. Now I'm curious what Ross' marriage license says.
Toni shouldn't be scared of whales anymore, it's hippos he should worry about and he lives so close to the Woodland Park Zoo and they have hippos..This video was all over the news last night.
Typhinee's a b*atch, she transferred Crystal over to me today.
Speaking of Crystal, Toni says he needs some more side flings since his icork honey left him.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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