Wednesday, January 21, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Marty thought it was insane that a forty something year old couple would watch "Bonanza". I'm afraid he would be indubitably shocked to see the old movies that a thirty something year old like myself watches.

Since Roger likes crazy people like himself I think I'll be dropping one off on his doorsteps over the weekend. I've been told she likes to talk in baby talk so it should be very entertaining for him.

Speaking of crazies, Wal-Mart may have a picture of Typhinee on their wall after the conversation she had with one of their employees last night in the electronics department for locking up inexpensive items rather than the name brand expensive ones.

Bill seems to be sporting a very large blue Vodka bottle on his desk today. We have all finally made him go over the edge yet he blames it all on Chris Lackie for some reason. I always thought it would be Steve, I hope I didn't lose much on that bet.

It was 12:11 and Toni and Bill came back to the office and Toni said "thanks Bill". Is he now getting his nooners from Bill since his icork honey is gone? We better hope that somebody interesting moves in next door for Toni's sake.

 "So what do you do, you sound strong." Toni to another man on the phone

*not to be construed as Gossip

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