Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Cody wants to fire someone today.

The blue BMW is back. Maybe that guy sold back the downgrade that he purchased for the same car that he had.

Roger says he wants to live in Sammamish if he had lots of money, you'll have to ask him why. He mentioned to me that his turrets were acting up again.

I'm afraid to ask if this is the only reason why Bill and Roxanne are getting married.
"I always thought Mary was a tweeker." Roger

Typhinee broke Toni's heart today, she told him that Crystal was all done with him and that she (Crystal) is all into her (Typhinee) now.

"It's fun you should try it." Mary about her porn habit at work

The almond rocca genie put candy in Tim's coffee cup this morning and now he expects it everyday of the year, good going Toni.

"I'm good at keeping dirty little secrets so you don't need to worry about me." Mary

*not to be construed as Gossip

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