Wednesday, October 30, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I had more intense dreams last night, I was skiing of all things (which I haven't done in over 15 years) and there was a weird drop off at the end of one hill into a freezing cold lake. Luckily I didn't go in the lake, I may have been saved buy some furry flying creature with big sharp teeth, I'm not sure though. 

Toni did a scarey Miley Cyrus happy dance this morning all because he got a job.

Toni's also super excited that it's the Nordstrom employee shoe sale today.

I'm ticked off, I had to tell Toni he was right about some woman being named Devon. I thought that was definitely a man's name.

Bill feels like nobody listens to him just because he was talking about Starbursts roasting on an open fire instead of Skittles like I thought that he said the other day.

Jason doesn't need a costume, he had three teeth pulled today and came in to show us his gauze filled mouth.

"Gosh now you sound like Roxanne." Bill to Roger

"I wasn't after Stephanie, I was after her mother." Bill

Where the heck is Tim at when I want to yell at him????

*not to be construed as Gossip

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