Thursday, October 10, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I like Typhinee already, she banks at BECU unlike Toni.

Toni invited Tim to his Octoberfest party weekend but none of the rest of us.

Roger thinks Bill's "A Straddler" because he parked over the line. 

Toni thinks he's cool because he has Scarlet Pumpkin hand soap at his home.

Tim lost a client to Jessica today. He obviously forgot that Mary wasn't the only one who could mess with his clients. I had to share Tim's dismissal email.


As always it's a pleasure doing business with you but over time you definitely make different business acquaintances.

Today, I had the pleasure of having lunch with Jessica with A F. I just can't believe how much we have in common in the flooring world. I have decided to use her as my Apex contact moving forward.

I want to thank you for all the things you have done for me in the past and will occasionally throw a bone your way.

Best regards,

PS - I still expect to be invited on some fishing trips.

Tim was burning mad that Jessica gave Mary and Bill a loaf of zucchini bread today. He probably wanted to use a loaf to try and convince his client to stay with him.

Roger cursed me today for reminding him about one of his hot flames.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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