Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I'm starting to think that Roxanne wasn't the only one who touched the Moose's balls on Saturday. Nikki doesn't look so innocent in this picture and I can't see her other hand.

Roger told me that he was used to weird; he mentioned he's been working with Bill, Mary and myself for quite awhile now.

Steve thought he was Tom Cruise from "Cocktail" today. Where as Bill has never heard of the movie "Cocktail", loser.

Mary was telling us about how quiet her loaner Lexus car is and Bill noticed that she left the car on when she came into the office about an hour earlier.

According to Tim, Jessica is the lying b*tch today for tattling on him.

 Cody's girlfriend approved of Toni last night.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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