Monday, October 28, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Sarah Brightman had lots of beautiful gowns and several tiara's. It's probably a good thing that I forgot my Hello Kitty Tiara because hers were very grand compared to mine.

I'm really hating Val right now, he's in Paris and he was just in London last week. 

Tim just now realized that I have a cup warmer, I think he was extremely jealous. Wait until he figures out that Bill has one too.

Tim has now turned his 2 day work week into a half day work week. I'm going to get even with him for doing this in about a month....He'll be sorry.

"You're just kind of a sneaky dude, you slither in and don't say hi to anyone." Tim to Bill

Roger said he'll throw anyone under the bus if it helps him look better.

Mr. U'nnells was talking about roasting skittles over a camp fire and asked Toni if he's ever tried them that way. I think Mr. U'nnells is high and delirious today.

I told Tim since he's missing Halloween this week, he has to dress up Monday and Tuesday in costume or else he doesn't get a paycheck.

I was actually awake for the beginning of SNL this weekend and they made a commercial for a Pumpkin Spice Douche that I thought was pretty funny so watch at your own risk.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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