Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Rick thought I screwed up his email yesterday so that he couldn't join in on the Chatter conversation last night, he was very upset with me this morning.

Interesting that Roxanne brought up the guys going Commando last night. Toni was telling me about this incredibly horrible show yesterday that's on TLC "The Man with the 132 Pound Scrotum". 

Tim's excited about October 13, 2014 because it will at least be a Monday.

Real life Barbie shoes.

Roger told me to "deal with it" today. I would but I don't know what I'm supposed to be dealing with.

Toni wanted to know if it was gay to send smiley emoticons to other guys so instead he sent hearts and rainbows. That's what happens when he asks for Bill's advice.

I got called beautiful today even though my husband thought I was a little insane this morning, I probably looked like I was preparing for a trip to Antarctica; I had on a coat, a scarf and gloves. 

Jessica dripped carmel sauce down the front of herself today and luckily Rick was here to offer to lick it off for her.

Toni doesn't want his fish to get fat or binge eat because he doesn't want Mary to think that he's a bad father. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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