Monday, October 14, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Happy 60th Birthday to Randy! 

I got a call from Tim on Saturday night reminding all of us ladies that he wanted to take us out to lunch on Sunday. I decided not to go, he had too many requirements and mentioned nothing about food. First he asked us to all bring several outfits for mud wrestling and then he wanted to have a jello pool and a wet t-shirt contest and the list only went on from there.

Jessica said she broke some toes over the weekend just being Jessica.

"You went to a glass museum instead of watching're gay."  Steve to Bill

Roger recommended a good restaurant in his neighborhood that Ryan and I went to over the weekend but after seeing some of the people there I'm going to have to reconsider what I think of Roger and his life in downtown.

 Roger got humped by some customers dog today. He made the comment that it's such a double standard because if he screwed their dog, he would be in jail.

"I have no problems dealing with a$$holes." Tim

"I have a closet full of women's boots." Mr. U'nnells

Jessica thinks that her husband is half male half female. I wonder what he thinks about her telling people about this.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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