The Daily Chatter*
Henry survived another weekend without Toni!
Our water guy finally got to us, we've been out of water for three days now. The guy told us that he was behind because he hurt his foot but he obviously didn't realize that we've been drinking swill from the tap and we thought that we might die. It's a good thing I got my flu shot last week, that's all I can say.
Toni thought it was a crime for someone to put kitty stickers on a Mustang. It made him mad that it was parked in our parking lot most of the day.
Toni and Nikki wore an adorable couples costume for Halloween that Toni doesn't want me to share it with everyone.....
Roger sure is testy, if you don't answer the phone "Hello Mr. Fal. Sir." I answered it A F today and he just about came unhinged.
Bill wants to know why the slowest drug deal is happening in our parking lot.
Roger was very upset that the parking got all screwed up and that there were stray cars in our lot.
Roger thought Mary was smoking pot in our office but then he decided it smelled like Herbal tea.
"I feel like this is a Tim deal." Bill about a strange company
Tim just wanted to be argumentative today.
Toni is such a bad dad, he let Henry listen to some song about having sex while on Cocaine by Bruno Mars today.
Typhinee was swearing up a storm today over RFMS. I'm not sure if our guys are going to be able to handle her in that back room.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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