Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim was disappointed that we got off to a slow start on Hump Day.

"I have to call and b*tch slap my son right now." Mary

Roger told me that Bill had a man crush on Cory our previous Beaulieu rep.

Jessica mentioned that everything has to be about her. What she doesn't realize is that we all have that attitude about ourselves around here but Mary thinks that her Ora trumps everybody else's around here and that she is the only one that everything has to be about. 

Toni told us today that he receives booty call texts occasionally from some big black dude who likes to send him pictures.

My husband told me last night that I took away the only joy he gets from cruising, which was filling out the paperwork online to board the ship. I sure hope he was kidding.

Rick was offering me 800 screws today. I'm not sure where he came up with a punch card with that many numbers.

"You better not, I'll be all over your a$$" Mary to Toni   Apparently Mary should have taken Rick up on his 800 screws offer.

Jessica sent her new customer some zucchini bread yesterday and he texted Tim a picture of it yesterday just to rub it in as to how great his life is now that he dumped Tim.

Cody was grossed out that our bathroom smelled like man.

Everyone has agreed, if Bill wants to dress up this year for Halloween it can't be something stupid like last year. I give Roxanne permission to pick out his outfit this year.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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