Friday, October 11, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I obviously wanted to make a very decaf coffee this morning, I put water and the filter in but no coffee. Instead of remaking the coffee, I added some mud from Steve's boots for coloring. I wonder if Toni even noticed?

Tim thinks he got his customer back from Jessica just because he used the line "your wife loves me". I personally would have thought that would have scared his customer away from him.

Cody was willing to do sexual favors for Roger, like rub his back and make him hot cocoa for Huskies tickets.

Now I'm feeling special; two different guys in one week called me beautiful but then wanted money.

Toni told me this morning that Henry was being a little b*tch and that he wouldn't play ball with him.

 Mary's last name was misspelled as Garb today.

Roger was going on again today about how hot Crystal is.

Toni's scared to leave Henry alone this weekend. Tim, if Henry dies you're going to have to be the one to tell Toni.

No Rick today, what gives? Oh, I forgot he was going to show up on Sunday when Tim wanted to take all of us ladies out to lunch.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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