Thursday, October 17, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I''ll probably get fired, I forgot National Bosses Day yesterday. We all should have done something nice for Mary but unfortunately Roxanne told Bill about the holiday yesterday.

Rick was here this morning and he wanted to "loan" us some tools. I'm starting to think that he's a tool salesman on the side and wants to get us hooked.

Toni thinks he lost his bet to Jessica over Henry not being a girl.

Jessica got a call from Charlie Brown today...

Poor Typhinee; Roger's been bugging the crap out of her all day.

Steve found out the hard way that we have a cleaning lady. He was apparently doing his business in our bathroom and she walked in on him. Steve claims he locked the door but now I  have to show  him how to shut the door and lock it.

Roger and Matt were doing something secretive outside in the van today.

"Stop grouping me in the same category as your mother." Mary to Bill

The guys in the back room are throwing a party because they just found out that the other sales woman will not be joining us and invading their rights in the back room.

Mary showed me this picture of a very dedicated U of O fan today who likes his junk but then I discovered that he has multiple leotards and apparently everywhere he goes he gets yellow bags.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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