The Daily Chatter*
Roger dressed up as a clinically depressed flooring sales person then Mary wanted to be one too.
Roger told Jessica to tell me that I'm only mildly competant.
Oprah Winfrey called today and her number was 1-999-999-9999 but it turned out that Kiss 106.1 was calling on her behalf.
Toni and Mary didn't know that John Ghosn is in a band named Whoopi Cat and they just performed at the Performance Grill (that the guys went to lunch to yesterday).
Toni's the man! I can't believe that Matt Lauer beat Toni's costume though.
I'm pretty sure this is what Toni was shooting for today...being he's the only one who dressed up.
"I had to drive around with Matt so I stink." Bill
"I like how self conscience you are about your life." Bill to Toni
I did my job, first question Roxanne that came out of Roxanne's mouth last night was about my comment in the Chatter. At least someone reads my crap.
Tatjana came in today and I think she thinks that we use her services......
Mary left work to go get drunk, she must be joining Matt somewhere.
*not to be construed as Gossip