Friday, May 31, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

The guys didn't do too bad today by themselves and without Mary most of the day. I had a Sponge Bob Square Pants birthday and they even invited Kevin who will also be my replacement in a week. 

According to Bill, Toni peeked too soon this morning. 

I think we may have an issue next week, we are getting a guy temp. Toni's going to want him to sit on his lap.

Mary seems to be planning some hot steamy weekend rendezvous. Who's going to break the news to Randy?

Roger got mad at me today for just sitting in my chair letting my cake rot after he went to the hassle of picking it up from Claim Jumpers and fighting off tons of people.

Tim and Rick both told me not to get married today.What do they know Ryan?

Crystal talked to Mary and Toni about poop today. 

Mary thinks that Bill likes to make fun of her.

Roger sure doesn't like women in his man cave. He made me leave.

I think I offended Rick today by calling him a perve because he's taking off and going to Arizona for a week.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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