Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

"I wasn't staring at your butt." Our RFMS trainer to one of the guys. Then Vance said "Toni was". I obviously missed out on something good in the man cave.

Bill told our RFMS guy today that I was getting married soon and that I haven't met my lesbian partner to be yet. 

Now Mary's holding up my birthday, I think she's going to combine it with Tim's to make me feel like I'm common folk and that I don't work in the West Wing. 

Rick thinks I put something in his cookie. He should just be thankful that I gave him a cookie.

"My problem is I can't see." as Bill was squinting to see his screen during our meeting. Roxanne can you please make Bill do something about this, he always makes us do things when we complain about anything, just ask Shaky Steve....

"You bang on it and bam." Vance    I just don't know what to think especially since this was during our training this morning....

Bill thought I had a black eye but then he changed his mind, thanks Bill.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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