Thursday, May 9, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger’s going to buy some fishnet stockings.

Tim informed us a day too late that yesterday was outdoor intercourse day.

According to Roger, Ryan doesn’t know he’s getting married next month.

“I’m just a dumb sales guy.” Roger

Toni’s not sure if he can give a man a BJ so he’s thinking about not doing gay porn as his million dollar idea but instead he wants to put tracking devices in people.

Bill thinks I’m rude, didn’t he know that way before this point?

Bill informed Toni that tomorrow was eat out day not today.

“I’m just being b*tchy.” Mr. U’nnells

Roger and Bill were both glad that their names weren’t April today.

Mary’s very upset that nobody brought her gifts this week. She just needs to remember that tomorrow's another day.

Bill told Toni that Amway isn’t a cult.

Bill caressed my tea mug very awkwardly today, apparently he was thinking about Roxanne.

Toni knows people aren’t listening to him.

Roger bought Mary a donkey for her birthday but he thinks it’s dead now.

Rick thinks he gets vacation time already.

Vance claims that Toni is his man slave.

Toni thinks Nikki abuses him with her feet. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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