Tuesday, May 28, 2013


 The Daily Chatter*

Ryan and I started watching the new season of "Arrested Development" and now I think Roger needs a license plate that says ANUSTART. Most on the show are pronouncing it Anus Tart.

I feel like this RFMS training is going to get in the way of my birthday week and I can't celebrate it next week because it's Tim's birthday week and I can't have that competing against me. 

We had a moron parked out in Tim's spot today head banging to really loud music with his window rolled down. At first I wondered if it was Dwight Schrute but then I starred too much and creeped him out and the guy left.

"We're not supposed to talk to you." Roger to me

 I wondered why Roger was parking so far away from us today but turns out he was scheming how not to take his car to the mechanics. I'm not sure why he just didn't let Jason fix his car.

Roger likes to break the rules.

Tim says he's not a screamer but I'm going to wait till the end of this week to see if that's true. 

Tim thought he was going to get out of doing stuff for RFMS by just billing everything on Friday, we all kind of ruined his plan. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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