Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I haven't heard Ryan freak out yet about his son's engagement. He obviously doesn't know that they're planning on getting married in 5 months instead of next summer like he hoped for.

I'm starting to think that maybe Rick is living here. He was the last one out last night and the first one in this morning. 

 "They're just always at lunch." Damon walking into an empty office

Apparently I'm supposed to just know which time card is Joe's when he doesn't put his name on it. At least Matt gives me clues as to which one is his every week.

Tim gave his monthly speech as to which reps he likes and what samples he wants to keep in the man cave. Apparently he must be in charge in the man cave. I should probably get him some new business cards with his new title.

Roger claims he messed up today, I didn't think he ever admitted defeat.

Tim at least acknowledges that he's a royal pain in my butt. 

" the IRS doesn't sh*t down my throat." Tim     That sounds pretty gross. 

It was nice of Mary to throw some f*cks my way today. 


*not to be construed as Gossip

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