Monday, May 13, 2013


The Daily Chatter*
“It’s not the first time someone has hated me.” Steve

Tim thinks he turned over a new leaf today. He brought his lunch into work. I asked if Donna kicked him out and he said no. I just don't get it, I think he lied to me.

Vance has Toni’s Halloween costume picked out already. I'm kind of upset because I thought I was going to be able to dress Toni up this year.

Bill told me to avoid eye contact with all of the installers. 

"Rules of Engagement" and "CSI:New York" were cancelled along with a long list of other shows.  Poor Matthew Perry, his sitcom got axed again.

"If anyone needs Zeb, I have him corralled in my car." Tim

Toni asked Bill today what he thought of his mother's muffin. I just don't think that's any of Toni's business. 

Tim was all chipper when he got done with Zeb today. Is it because Zeb caressed and comforted him during our  hurricane thunderstorm today?

Tim wanted to know what everyone did at the office past 3 P.M.

Mary told Bill that he doesn't have time for the internet at home because he was too busy having sexual intercourse and she said all of this right in front of Toni. So now Toni's asking everyone what sexual intercourse is. I told him to ask Roger because Roger draws the best stick figures.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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