Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger was offended that I said he sounded like the people on “Veep”.

Roger also called me a dick today even though he told me to my face that he didn’t but he's a liar so I can't trust him. 

Roger thinks Joe kind of looks like a terrorist on his airport badge picture.

Toni told someone that we call him Homo all the time. 

Mary wants to eat a skinny person…

Tim’s already confused as to what he’s going to call me after I get married. I would imagine he could still call me April….. Unless of course I change my name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.

“I would call Mary but she doesn’t return my calls.” Roger

Bill told us he's going to wear a black belt around the office to be just like Dwight.  

Why would Bill buy a beeping forklift? It's so annoying, it sounds like an alarm clock. 

Toni is such a suck up. He was asking Mary what she wanted for her birthday.

Roger mentioned the website awkwardfamilyphotos.com and I noticed they had an ad for an HBO show which is supposed to have Roy from the “IT Crowd” in it. They need to freaking make their last episodes before he does other work…but I’m afraid that nobody listens to me. I did find a great picture of the boys on that website but I'm not sure what happened to Toni's face. 
The guy from Emerald City Smoothie came in to drop off coupons today and all I can say is he's way past his energy boost limit for the day.  

Toni thinks his girlfriend hates him and that's why she' not going to hang out with him tonight. 

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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