The Daily Chatter*
I wanted to vomit this morning when I woke up, I had a dream that I slept with my sisters ex-boyfriend. Now Ryan's going to want to throw up while reading this.
Apparently Bill doesn't know how to adapt to big city life. Roxanne said that Bill left his keys in the door all night. Bill, this isn't "Little House on the Prairie" you can't do that because there are perves just like you out there.
Bill sent a clip of Michael J. Fox's new show and it looks like it could be good but since it's on NBC it will probably get two airings just like Paul Riser's show.
Rick wants to be called Mr. Money.
If you visit Mary's house don't comment that it looks like it should be a Museum instead of in a magazine because she takes great offense to that mix up of words.
Toni was upset because Vance took his parking spot this morning. Obviously Toni needs to assign parking spaces to everyone.
"I don't know of anyone who holds grudges over minor insignificant things besides Mary." Roger
Roger says that he's much nicer than Tim is.
As of right now "24" is supposed to return to Fox next year but only for 12 episodes, they will apparently skip some hours in the day. Can they really do that?
I think Roxanne is beginning to feel like she's babysitting a grown man. She mentioned that he had to have his sprinkles and Reese's Pieces on his ice cream last night. If I were her I would be threatening his parents to send him back, I'm sure they would start paying money to keep him away.
Matt thinks he's the office drunk this week but I'm pretty sure Mary has that title with her pink floral flask that she's going to use tonight in front of her lush friends.
Toni and the rest of Bill's co-workers think that Bill drives like a madmen in our parking lot.
Toni was being inquisitive of Mary today and what Riley was doing at home.
"I love being bossed around by women." Roger
Rick says we all need to start liking what he likes.
*not to be construed as Gossip
I just threw up!!