Friday, May 24, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Rick came in today just to give Toni some company this morning. 

Tim apparently doesn't notice much at all.

Roger said that Rick is a great father figure to Toni. How many dad's does Toni have?

Toni found a knife on Mary's (Jodi Arias) desk today and it freaked him out. 

 Don't bother Rick he claims he's going to be drunk all weekend.

Rick decided to be Tim this morning and made me fix all of his Kashmoo mistakes.

Toni got into the scissors and bleach today because Roger wasn't looking after him. Roger apparently also forgot to charge Toni's Gameboy and that's why he got into so much trouble.

I think Roger really wanted to fight me today, too much testosterone or something. He thinks his fists are lethal weapons, he was apparently high on something.

According to Toni he thought that Bill has very good taste in porn. That's why Toni pretended to use Bill's desk for something RFMS related. 

Roger was reminiscing about Matt and the gay bath house story today with Jason, good times. 

Toni blurted out yesterday that he's gay. I'm not sure why he thinks he needs to keep telling us all that. 

Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend!

*not to be construed as Gossip

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