Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday to my Ryan! I know this interferes with Mary’s birthday week so I’m very sorry Mary, I promise it will be all about you from here on out.

Roger claims he’s staying at home today because he’s been sneezing a lot. What a lame excuse because I sneeze all day long and nobody has asked me to leave yet.

“I’ve always wondered what Joe was good at.” Bill

Matt decided he can wear his hair all crazy now because he thinks he’s a movie star even though the movie he appeared in hasn't been released yet. 

“I don’t know if I can hug someone without squeezing their a$$.” Bill   So now you’ve all been warned about crying on Bill’s shoulder.

Mary claims that Matt’s wack-a-doodle hair takes away from his mustache.

Bill and I were trying to guess what Roger was going to say when he got a call from a certain contractor today about bidding a job. Was his answer going to be: he$$ no, f*ck off, f*ck you he$$ no and go to he$$ or Yes Sir.

For being such an abrupt man Roger sure seems to get his feelings hurt very quickly.

Tim now seems to be sticking it to Toni.

*not to be construed as Gossip


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