Friday, May 3, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I told Bill to fire Rick today, he wants to undercut the company and do draws for the guys at $11.00 a draw.

Tim doesn’t want to talk about the game from last night so don’t ask because he gets grumpy.

“I shouldn’t b*tch should I?” Tim

Toni calls his other woman his icork honey.

It’s a good thing we went to Emser’s BBQ today because we were the entire party.

Toni and Bill went couch shopping today and now they’re at “Ironman 3” together.

Roger freaking hung up on me today and told me it was our phone’s fault.

Bill and Toni think that Toni’s car belonged to a pimp or a prostitute before Toni bought it, something about too many bleach stains in odd areas.

Roger says he looks hideous today and that’s why he can’t come in. Apparently he made up some story for Matt and Steve as to why he looked that way and I have a feeling that it had nothing to do with his allergies.

Ryan was concerned when I mistyped a text and told him I was going to ho tonight. He should be use to that.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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