Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I read yesterday on "The Onion" that Venezuela is running out of toilet paper and I thought it was a joke but it's true thanks to their socialist government. 

Tim got a nice pretty white truck. Does Donna know about this?

 I had a dream last night that Mary and Randy were trying to have another kid. Haven't they learned their lesson yet, it's not really free labor when you consider all the crap you have to pay for.

It's all Bill's fault that the chatter is suffering today. I've been too busy with RFMS stuff and it's only going to get worse since we'll have a trainer with us next Wednesday through Friday. 

I guess I need to blame Roger too for the short chatter, he was only in for a little while this morning and he didn't have any gossip for me, he was just here complaining about subcontractors.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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