Monday, March 30, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Typhinee seems to have opinions on a lot of things. One of them being that the crotch of her foot can't be seen in shoes other than flip flops.

I have to redeem myself with Ryan, for some reason I picked out two semi flops of movies over the weekend but I also started the weekend off with "The Hobbit 3" so it was kind of hard to live up to that one. I know I would be redeemed if I had the movie "The Human Centipede II" (which is one of Bill's favorites).

"I went there and some girl tried to blow me." Toni

Mean Mary scared off a mother duck and her ducklings on Friday night.

I need to start charging Tim to hold crap (paperwork) for him.

"Just tell him I need his freaking body." Tim about Ryan  (Tim's not getting my husband's body).

Roger gave his approval on the White Lily and Lime soap in our restroom. Bill claims he hasn't had scurvy since Roger's been in charge of approving the soap.

"I'll just wing it." Roger being scary

Ferguson thinks we need a new entry mat and was apalled that we are going to put tile their.

Roger still sucks, he's going to NY without me but because I'm such a nice person I have advice for him (even though he's been their more than I have). Don't eat at the restaurant at the end of the pier by the old South Street Seaport. It's not that you would actually pick this place, because nobody actually eats their (and there were a ton of people around on the pier and it had a great view of the Manhattan bridge ). This is where my step father decided that we were all going to eat at on our trip. I was going to revolt and starve but then I realized that I didn't need to hear my mom freak out on me so I had chicken tenders that weren't even slightly tender. I think I busted my knife and the table trying to cut them. So if you see the broken table that I sawed in half can you please take a picture of it for me.

Bill got rear ended today and I don't mean by Toni.

Matt said he got to go to Comicon this weekend and he didn't dress up, I think something's wrong with him or he's growing up.....

Roger is pretty sure that Bill's family doesn't exist besides his dad. Roger thinks that Bill's going to pay actors to show up to his wedding and act like his family.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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