Wednesday, March 25, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

According to Bill's future niece one of the Victoria's Secret models who appears in app ads is very jiggly.

Typhinee must be outraged Zayne left One Direction.

"Who got an email from Ryan Grab about blow jobs?" Bill

 Bill said the hardest part about being Superman yesterday was trying to get both of ladies to shut up and hold still during CPR.

"I don't think they're talking business, I think they're talking killer robots." Howard about Bill and Toni

Mary claims she hasn't said anything negative since yesterday afternoon but Bill and I would like to talk to Randy just to get an official statement.

"You can't do that, Roxanne said I'm not allowed to look at hooters anymore." Bill

Toni doesn't want to come to our BBQ this year, he's afraid that Roger's BFF will be there.

On one invoice from our vendor the sidemark Trader Joe's turned into Critter Joes.

I want everyone to know that Tim called me a freaking genius today, all because I fixed his RFMS screen. 

Roxanne mentioned on FB that they were at the doctor waiting for test results. Can't they wait till after they're married, geesh. We don't need to see ultrasound photos at the wedding. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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