Thursday, March 12, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"You and f*$%&ing Tim are just alike" Bill to Toni

Bill mentioned that he went to a toy store to buy more ammo for his nerf gun and the clerk asked if it was for the office because two women had been in earlier buying weapons and ammo. Now Bill suspects Mary and me.

"If Crystal wasn't so hot...." Roger

You can tell everywhere that I've been today because my shirt leaves a trail of gold glittery dots. One tried getting into the teapot today.

Toni's paranoid, apparently I look guilty of sabotaging something today but the funny thing is I didn't.

I'm a little hurt, Matt decided to write his own bio. I guess he didn't like mine.

Bill tried pulling a Tim today except Tim told me it was Friday yesterday.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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