Friday, March 20, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Happy first day of Spring!

Bill and Toni were talking about mind blowing things this morning. Bill was explaining how you smear jam on your toast and if you don't like it you scrape it off. I don't think Toni likes the word smear.

I had a weird dream last night. I went into a building that was supposed to take donations for feeding the hungry and there were probably 30 employees inside and they all had desks that were covered in food that they were all eating. Finally some outsider who actually needed food came in and ate but the management just made them feel uncomfortable.

I guess Val and Serge had a dude greet them in his underwear this week so Roger's not the only one with an underwear story now.

"I like your pants." Mary to Toni

For those of you who want to become annoying and Gluten Intolerant, then you should watch this.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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