Monday, March 23, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Bill bought a small pocket sized nerf gun and now Tim is demanding that Bill have a concealed weapons permit.

Bill and Roxanne are applying for their marriage certificate today. How are they going to punctuate Bill's last name? Is it going to be U'nnells or U'nell's, they have a lot of decisions to make, I've seen Bill do it both ways.

Tim is getting tired of Michael's butt dialing today.

"I'm going to put my two sense in." Tim

"You're so cute." Mary to Tim

Roger informed me that he's not gay because he likes the symphony. I told him that's fine because my husband enjoyed the symphony (on Satuday night).

I'm Mary's favorite in the office again because I brought in cookies.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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