Friday, March 13, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Roger needs stickers or a stamp that says Roger approved. He told me yesterday that he approved of the bathroom soap again. If he had stickers he could just go around and mark everything that he approved. I found some in his favorite color so I ordered them.

I'm really not sure why none of us wanted to write a referral letter for Crystal awhile back. Today she called here wanting to know if she had been paid on a job. The rest of the conversation she mumbled so I have no idea what she wanted.

Every morning that I open Bill's office door it smells like patchouli oil or something hippyish in their.

"When you say Bill that many times on the phone, I know you're trying to pass Crystal off on me." Bill

Crystal called this time wanting to know what she put on the invoice that she just sent over. I told her it was on Bill's desk so I didn't know. The moron went to the other room in her home and got the answer while she was on the phone with me. It's not fi

Roxanne says she has to talk to Bill everyday, poor girl.

From now on if we get a complaining customer send them to Crystal, she will head up that department.

"Maybe I shouldn't have sworn." Roxanne to Bill (via Bill's story)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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