Thursday, July 17, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Bill has become one of these odd bosses..He emailed me at 2am this morning because he wanted me  to send him his TPS Repor. 

I think Teri thinks she was hired to be a tile model at our showroom. I somehow blame this all on Roger, I'm not sure what he told her but I can just imagine....

Mary was having a conversation with herself between the office phone and her cell phone and she came to the conclusion that she's a b*tch to talk to.

Mary's starting to think that Tim tricked her into taking a job.

 Now Jessica's comparing me to her crazy sister in law, I'm completely offended and probably won't ever speak to her again:)

"I'm just f*cking peaches." Toni to Tim    Must be a lactard thing.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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