Monday, July 14, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday to Typhinee and her freakish One Direction fetish.

Tim said his wife's family reunion was a "sh*t show".

God help us, Bill finally started watching "Arrested Development" and thinks he's running this company all wrong. He now wants to buy a banana stand.

Apparently Roxanne needs to meet and hang out with Crystal.

"Mary, do you think you can reason with Crystal?" Bill

Jessica is now getting texts from Crystal at all hours of the night with pictures of her kids.

The next birthday isn't until September around here. What are we going to do till then? I guess we have Jessica who likes to temp us with naughty food all of the time so maybe we'll make it.

The poor woman who Toni officiated the wedding for on Saturday ended up having a heat stroke after he married them.

I'm pretty sure the yellow frosting on Typhinee's cake for the spelling of her name was Mustard. Did Jessica have her new BFF Crystal write the name on the cake?

Roger thinks Bill's hip problem is Aids. 

"You're getting old, you're throwing out hips and sh*t." Steve to Bill

I hope Bill's hip problem wasn't from being in Utah and taking in Sister wives. What exactly went on because Bill said he didn't like Utah?

"I'm going to have Jerad fix the bathroom door so that we can tell who is in there." Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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