Tuesday, July 8, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

Steve was very disappointed that he didn't get to break down Bill's door this morning.

I had to look up Toni on Urban Dictionary. I know I shouldn't pick on him today since he wasn't feeling well so I'll let Urban Dictionary do all of the dirty work for me. 

Our Google voicemail transcript has a perverse little mind like Roger. It turned the words "Mama Stortini" into "Mama's Dirty Needs".

"She's kind of short to be Big Bird." Roger

"I was focused on her carpet and her cleavage." Roger

Teri watches "The Real Housewives" with her own special bottle of wine, now Tim will have someone to talk to about that show.

Mary thought "The Chatter" yesterday was pushing it a little but in my defense I'm not the one who pulled down my shorts and took a picture, or the one who had to go to a nympho meeting, or the one who had to buy male anatomy for lunch yesterday; my only fault in life is reporting about the crazy people that I may or may not work with. 

"Lets go parley in the backroom" Tim to Mary

*not to be construed as Gossip

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